9 is Mine
"9% of the GDP to ensure that every Child in India has a Future
We are the Children of India. We are not voters, but we believe that the Voices of children can be stronger than the Votes of adults. And, we know that it is necessary for us to speak up now to secure our future.
In one voice, we ask you - "Keep Your Promise!" The promise to allocate 6% of the GDP to public expenditure on Education, and 3% of the GDP to public expenditure on Health. Currently public expenditure on Education stands near 3% of the GDP, and public expenditure on Health is so meager -- even less than 1%! We want every child of India to know, that "9% of the GDP belongs to us!", because Health and Education is the basic right of every child, every family." em http://www.endpoverty2015.org/
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