Relatório 2008 da Human Rights Watch
No capítulo introdutório do relatório, Kenneth Roth, o director executivo da H. R. W., acusa a comunidade internacional de legitimar os governos de países com casos reportados de violações de direitos humanos que se hasteiam da capa da democracia para legitimarem a sua autoridade. Como refere Roth, são inúmeros os ditadores que sustêm a capa de democratas, apoiados em “jogos de retórica”, no discurso das aparências:
"Rarely has democracy been so acclaimed yet so breached, so promoted yet so disrespected, so important yet so disappointing. Today, democracy has become the sine qua non of legitimacy. Few governments want to be seen as undemocratic. Yet the credentials of the claimants have not kept pace with democracy’s growing popularity. These days, even overt dictators aspire to the status conferred by the democracy label. Determined not to let mere facts stand in the way, these rulers have mastered the art of democratic rhetoric that bears little relationship to their practice of governing." (Introduction: “Despots Masquerading as Democrats”)
“It is time to stop selling democracy on the cheap and to start substituting a broader and more meaningful vision of the concept that incorporates all human rights.”
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