Hoje é Dia Mundial do Teatro

O Dia Mundial do Teatro foi criado em 1961 pelo Instituto Internacional do Teatro com o intuito de promover e celebrar o teatro em todo o mundo.

Como muito bem reconhece Jessica Kaahwa, Professora no Departamentos de Dança, Música e Drama no Instituto Makerere no Uganda, o teatro é uma poderosa ferramenta de paz e reconciliação:

"Have you ever imagined that theatre could be a powerful tool for peace and reconciliation? While nations spend colossal sums of money on peace-keeping missions in violent conflict areas of the world, little attention is given to theatre as a one-on-one alternative for conflict transformation and management. How can the citizens of mother-earth achieve universal peace when the instruments employed come from outside and seemingly repressive powers?

Theatre subtly permeates the human soul gripped by fear and suspicion, by altering the image of self - and opening a world of alternatives for the individual and hence the community. It can give meaning to daily realities while forestalling an uncertain future. It can engage in the politics of peoples' situations in simple straightforward ways. Because it is inclusive, theatre can present an experience capable of transcending previously held misconceptions. [...]"

(Jessica Kaahwa, autora da Mensagem Internacional do ano 2011, no Instituto Internacional do Teatro http://www.world-theatre-day.org/picts/Com_Press_WTD2011EN.pdf).

É minha convicção que o grau de evolução de uma sociedade está intimamente relacionado com a importância que dá à arte e à cultura.


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